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Western Titans BMX Track, Glasgow

The finished build has been very well received by both novice and experienced Western Titans BMX Club riders. It gives the organisation a high-standard track capable of drawing in visiting BMX riders for prestigious events like the annual Scottish Championships.

The Western Titans BMX Club has been racing in Clydebank, Glasgow, since the 1980s. This project gave them a first-class BMX track venue thanks to funding from the National Lottery and The Environment Trust. The BMX track was upgraded in response to a request from members of West Dunbartonshire youth, and the Environment Trust was instrumental in securing funding.

The Titans were reformed in May 2006 to provide structured BMX racing activities at the Clydebank track. The Environment Trust is actively working with Western Titans to maintain and develop the track's facilities.

The Clydebank track hosted its first Open Race in 2005 and was officially opened by British Cycling track star Craig McLean. Club rider Sean can be seen giving a tour of the upgraded BMX track at Clydebank, Glasgow, Scotland, on YouTube here soon after it was opened.

The Western Titans hold an open race each year, and the Titans have their own YouTube channel. The Western Titans club has a dedicated website, and the track is open every day and is free to use except on race days. The club actively works with children to encourage them to take up BMX racing, and it runs club nights twice a week. Recreational club nights can attract 150 people or more.

Other National BMX tracks from Clark & Kent

Location: Western Titians BMX Track, Onslow Rd, Clydebank G81 2XT

Burgess Park, Cumbernauld, Dedemsvaart, Gravesend, Knowsley, Landseer Park, Merton Saints,
Nottingham Outlaws, Perry Park, Queen Elizabeth Park, Royston Rockets, Shanaze Reade, Telford.

western titans bmx track building
western titans bmx track groundworks

Refurbishment of the Western Titans BMX Club track in Clydebank, Glasgow, was completed by Clark & Kent Contractors. The brief was to breathe some new life into the old BMX site, giving it a good flow with increased jump sizes and a full resurface.

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