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Clark & Kent support Stay Strong

Stephen is Clark & Kent's favourite rider and we grew up riding trails in the UK with his brother Martin while Stephen was forging ahead with his professional career in America.

We have supported the Stay Strong Stephen Murray fund since it was founded, and as a company and also as friends of Stephens we decided that this was the charity our company was eager to be involved with, not only in providing funding for the charity but also to promote the brand Stay Strong. We decided in 2012 to become a main sponsor of the Elite BMX team promoting the Stay Strong brand involving International riders from Europe, Australia, South America and Great Britain.

The main aim of the charity is to raise the funding required for Stephen to receive the continuous medical help and care that he requires, but not only that, but in a gesture that is typical of Stephens generous nature he now also supports other riders in a similar position.

Stephen had fought his way to the top of his sport with his determination and commitment and fast forwarding to 2007 he would now fight to breath, to stay alive. He continues his fight today; to one day hold his children and one day walk again. The trick that made him in 2001 changed his life in 2007.
This isn't the end of the story.. It's just an obstacle in Stephen's path that he is determined to overcome. There's plenty of fight, guts and determination left in this guy yet.

Read more on the StayStrong Website.

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