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Conlig MTB Trail Skills Area


Conlig MTB Trail Skills Area

Clark & Kent Contractors were selected to design and build a new section of the mountain bike course at Conlig.
The facility will be primarily a 'Go Mountain Bike' MTB Instructors coaching area (CyclingScotland – Mountain Biking Proficiency Award). It will not be a public skills area.

The detailed brief we followed was as follows:

The facility should be capable of coaching a new rider through all of the Go Mountain Bike skills levels 1 & 2, along with basic riding and core skills.
Core skills include balance, safe effective braking, gears, body position, weight shift, cornering, bunny hops, pumping, track stands, manuals, front and rear wheel lifts, energy management, etc.

Other MTB bike trails constructed by Clark & Kent

Bath, Dalby Forest, Goldsworth Park, Nostell Priory, Shugborough, Stockport.

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